funky print notations : a student collaborative project

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Form-making, regardless of your choice of tool or medium, is a mode to communicate visually. Designing and printing—without focusing on outcomes—in a generative manner can foster confidence by learning to trust your inner voice (intuition). It also yields stronger work habits through an abundance of trial and error while sticking to a predetermined regular practice.

Funky Print Notations was a student semester-long collaborative print design project between Dylan Drebitko, Hannah Labate, and Mary Lauren Willis from Appalachian State University that changed directions due to the Covid pandemic when access to printing tools (risography) jolted the possible outcomes during the Spring 2020 semester.

Trusting intuition and encouraging play through creative process and collaboration can enable new modes of creating in studio and design courses. A limited access to tools can be a challenge; however sometimes limitations and unexpected material choices can enable a new way of seeing and communicating visually in a non-traditional classroom environment.

Tricia Treacy’s practice is collaborative and often a hybrid of two mediums with a priority towards text-based media, artist books, printmaking, and publishing.

She received her MFA in Printmaking / Book Arts from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Tricia has been awarded fellowships/grants from the American Academy of Rome, DesignInquiry and the Center for Craft, Creativity and Design. Tricia is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design at Appalachian State University in North Carolina and will be a visiting Associate Professor of Print Media at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire this fall. | @pointedpress


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